AADCP | ASEAN Australia Development Cooperation |
AADCP | ASEAN Aquaculture Development and Coordinating Programme |
AADCP-RPS | ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Programme Regional Partnership Scheme |
AAECP | ASEAN-Australia Economic Cooperation Programme |
AAF | ASEAN Automotive Federation |
AAM | ASEAN Airlines Meeting |
AAPSIP | ASEAN-Australia Postharvest System Improvement Programme |
AARNET | ASEAN-AVRDC Regional Network for Vegetable Research and Development |
AASROC | Asian-African Sub-Regional Organizations Conference |
ABAC | ASEAN Business Advisory Council |
ABAPAST | Advisory Body on ASEAN Plan of Action on Science and Technology |
ABASF | Advisory Body of the ASEAN Science Fund |
ABF | ASEAN Business Forum |
ACBC | ASEAN – China Business Council |
ACBC | AFTA – CER Business Council |
ACCICG | AFTA-CER CEP Implementation and Coordination Group |
ACCORD | ASEAN and China Cooperative Operations in Response to Dangerous Drugs |
ACCSM | ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters |
ACCSQ | ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality |
ACCTC | ASEAN Coordinators of Customs Training Centre |
ACDM | ASEAN Committee on DIsaster Management |
ACE | ASEAN Centre for Energy |
ACE | ASEAN Committee on Education |
ACECA | ASEAN-Canada Economic Cooperation Agreement |
ACEDAC | ASEAN Centre for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives |
ACF | ASEAN Cultural Fund |
ACFTA | ASEAN-China Free Trade Area |
ACJCC | ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee |
ACP | ASEAN Cooperation Plan |
ACSOC | ASEAN-China Senior Officials Consultation |
ACTC | ASEAN Center for Combating Transnational Crime |
ACTD | ASEAN Common Technical Dossiers |
ACTS | ASEAN Cargo Transport Study |
ACTRs | ASEAN Common Technical Requirements |
ACTT | ASEAN Communication Team for Tourism |
ACW | ASEAN Committee on Women |
ACWGDC | ASEAN-China Working Group on Development Cooperation |
ADB | ASEAN Development Bank |
ADCF | ASEAN Development Cooperation Forum |
ADCG | ASEAN Datacom Coordinating Group |
ADGICM | ASEAN Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Consular Affairs Division |
ADPC | ASEAN Agriculture Development Planning Centre |
ADPC | ASIAN Disaster Preparedness Centre |
AEBF | ASEAN Energy Business Forum |
AEC | ASEAN Economic Community |
AEEAP | ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan |
AEEMTRC | ASEAN-EC Energy Management Training and Research Centre |
AEG | ASEAN Experts Group |
AEGCD | ASEAN Expert Group on Communicable Diseases |
AEGDM | ASEAN Expert Group on Disaster Management |
AEGFS | Adhoc Expert Group on Food Safety |
AEGM | ASEAN Experts Group on Minerals |
AEIC | ASEAN Earthquake Information Centre |
AEM AEMC | ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting ASEAN-European Community Management Centre |
AEMEC | ASEAN Economic Ministers on Energy Cooperation |
AEMM | ASEAN-European Union Ministerial Meeting |
AENRIC | ASEAN Environmental and Natural Resources Information Centre |
AEP | ASEAN Environmental Partnership |
AERISRP | ASEAN Plus Three Emerging and Resurging Infections Surveillance and Response Programme |
AERR AEY AF | ASEAN Emergency Rice Reserve ASEAN Environment Year ASEAN Foundation |
AFAS | ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services |
AFC | ASEAN Food Conference |
AFDM | ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies |
AFDM-WG | ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies Working Group |
AFEEC | ASEAN Forum on Energy and Efficiency and Conservation |
AFF AFFA AFHB | ASEAN Fisheries Federation ASEAN Federation of Forwarders Association ASEAN Food Handling Bureau |
AFMA AFMM AFOC AFPIC AFPHTC AFSIS AFSRB | ASEAN Federation of Mining Associations ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting ASEAN Forum on Coal ASEAN Forest Product Industry Club ASEAN Fisheries Postharvest Technology Centres ASEAN Food Security Information System ASEAN Food Security Reserve Board |
AFTA | ASEAN Free Trade Area |
AFTEX AGBEP AHEWS AHIA AHMM AHRN AHPISA | ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries ASEAN Business/Economic Graduate Programme ASEAN Agricultural Hazards Early Warning System ASEAN Heads of Investment Agencies ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting Asian Harm Reduction Network Animal Health and Production Information System in ASEAN |
AHPR | ASEAN Declaration on Heritage Parks and Reserves |
AHSOM | ASEAN Heads of Statistical Offices Meeting |
AHTN | ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature |
AIA | ASEAN Investment Area |
AIBC AIC | ASEAN-India Business Council ASEAN Insurance Commisioner |
AICO AIDA | ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Scheme ASEAN-India Digital Archive Project |
AIDAB | Australian International Development Assistance Board |
AIFM AIFOCOM | ASEAN Institute Forest Management ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization Fact Finding Committee to Combat the Drug Menace |
AIELTF AII AIJSCC | ASEAN-India Economic Linkage Task force ASEAN Information Infrastructure ASEAN-India joint Sectoral Cooperation Committee |
AIJV | ASEAN Industrial Joint Venture |
AIMS | ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study |
AIPA | ASEAN Intellectual Property Association |
AIPO | ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization |
AIR | ASEAN Investment Report |
AIRM | ASEAN Insurance Regulators Meeting |
AIT AITRI AJCCEP | ASEAN Institute of Technology ASEAN Insurance Regulators Meeting ASEAN-Japan Committee on Comprehensive Economic Partnership |
AJCEP | ASEAN-Japan Closer Economic Partnership |
AJCEPEG | ASEAN-Japan Closer Economic Partnership Expert Group |
AJCGM | ASEAN-Japan Consultative Group Meeting |
AJDF | ASEAN-Japan Development Fund |
AJSTD | ASEAN Journal for Science and Technology Development |
AJUT | ASEAN-Japan Urban Transportation |
AKECOP | ASEAN-Korea Environment Cooperation |
ALIA | ASEAN Legal Information Authority |
ALMM | ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting |
AMAF | ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry |
AMBDC | ASEAN Mekong Basin Development Cooperation |
AMCA | ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts |
AMC | Australian Managing Contractor |
AMCs | ASEAN Member Countries |
AMEICC | AEM-MITI Economic and Industrial Cooperation committee |
AMEM | ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting |
AMG | Alliance for Mutual Growth |
AMM | ASEAN Ministerial Meeting |
AMME | ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment |
AMMH | ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Haze |
AMMTC | ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime |
AMMST | ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology |
AMO | ASEAN Macroeconomic Outlook |
AMRDPE | ASEAN Ministers on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication |
AMRI | ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information |
AMRI-TWC | ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information Technical Working Group |
AMRSW | ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare |
AMSAT | Australian Marince Science and Technology Pty. Limited |
AMST | ASEAN Ministers for Science and Technology |
ANDIN | ASEAN Newsletter on Disaster Management Information Network |
ANEX | ASEAN News Exchange |
ANWRA | ASEAN Network of Water Resource Agencies |
ANZEC | ASEAN-New Zealand Economic Cooperation Programme |
ANZCERTA | Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement |
ANZECP | ASEAN-New Zealand Economic Cooperation Programme |
ANZJMC AONBS APAA APAEC APCASO | ASEAN-New Zealand Joint Management Committee Asia-Oceania Network on Biological Science ASEAN Port Authorities Association ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation Asia Pacific Council on AIDS Service Organization |
APBSD | ASEAN Policy Blueprint for SME Development |
APCS | ASEAN Promotional Centre on Information, Culture and Tourism in Seoul |
APCTs APDRTC | ASEAN Promotional Chapters for Tourism ASEAN Poultry Disease Research and Training Center |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APERC | Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre |
APHCN | ASEAN Plant Helath Cooperation Network |
APJSCC APRIS | ASEAN-Pakistan Joint Sectoral Cooperation Committee ASEAN Project for Regional Integration Support |
APRTC ARC | ASEAN Poultry Research and Training Centre ASEAN Research Centre |
ARCBC | ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation |
ARCSTC | ASEAN-Russia Commission on Scientific and Technological Cooperation |
ARDCMR | ASEAN Regional Development Centre for Mineral Resources |
ARF | ASEAN Regional Forum |
ARF ISM CT TC ARISPA ARIX ARPDM ARWGTEC ARYDEC | ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-Sessional Meeting on Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime ASEAN ISP Association ASEAN Regional Internet Exchange ASEAN Regional Programme in Disaster Management ASEAN Russia Working Group on Trade, Economic Cooperation ASEAN Rural Youth Development Centre |
ASAP | AIDS Society of Asia Pacific |
ASAP | ASEAN Services Access Platform |
ASC | ASEAN Security Community |
ASC | ASEAN Standing Committee |
ASCC | ASEAN Socio-cultural Community |
ASCHN | ASEAN Sub-Committee on Health and Nutrition |
ASCLA | ASEAN Sub-Committee on Labour Affairs |
ASCOE | ASEAN Sub-Committee on Education |
ASCOPE ASCU ASEAN CCI | ASEAN Council on Petroleum ASEAN Surveillance Coordinating Unit ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
ASEANTA ASEM ASEP ASF ASFOM ASITF | ASEAN Tourism Association ASEAN Europe Meeting ASEAN Subregional Environment Programme ASEAN Science Fund ASEAN Senior Finance Officials Meeting ASEAN Shrimp Industry Task Force |
ASLOM | ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting |
ASLOM | ASEAN Senior Law Officials Meeting |
ASMC ASNEM | ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Centre ASEAN Network for Environment Management |
ASNET-RESED ASOD | ASEAN Network for Rapid Exchange of Strong Earthquake Data ASEAN Senior Officials on Drugs |
ASOEN ASOF | ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry |
ASOMM | ASEAN Senior Official Meeting on Minerals |
ASP | ASEAN Surveillance Process |
ASP-5 ASPEN | ASEAN Sub-Regional Programme for the Fifth Cycle ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment |
ASTICK | ASEAN Science and Technology Community for Innovation, Competitiveness and Knowledge |
ASTNET | ASEAN Science and Technology Information Network |
ASTU | ASEAN Surveillance Technical Support Unit |
ASTW | ASEAN Science and Technology Week |
ASW | ASEAN Sub-Committee on Women |
ASWGFi | ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Fisheries |
ASWGL | ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Livestock |
ASY | ASEAN Sub-Committee on Youth |
ASQP | ASEAN Standards and Quality Programme |
ATC | ASEAN Traffic Control |
ATF | ASEAN Tourism Forum |
ATFI | ASEAN Tourism Forum |
ATFOA | ASEAN Task Force on AIDS |
ATFSSN | ASEAN Task Force on Social Safety Net |
ATIC | ASEAN Tourism Information Centre |
ATM | ASEAN Transport Ministers |
ATRC | ASEAN Telecommunication Regulators’ Council |
ATS | Amphetamine-Type Stimulants |
ATTC | ASEAN Timber Technology Centre |
ATTEN | ASEAN Tourism Training and Education Network |
AUN | ASEAN University Network |
AUN BOT | ASEAN University Network Board of Trustee |
AUNILO | ASEAN University Network Inter-Library Online |
AUNP | ASEAN-EU University Network Programme |
AUNQUANET | ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance Network |
AUSAID | Australian Agency for International Development |
AVDRC | ASEAN Vegetable Development and Research Center |
AVIST | ASEAN Virtual Institute of Science and Technology |
AVOC | ASEAN Vegetable Oils Club |
AWGASME | ASEAN Working Group on ASEAN Seas and Marine Environment |
AWGATE | ASEAN Working Group on Agriculture and Training Extention |
AWGCM | ASEAN Working Group on Custom Matters |
AWGCME | ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment |
AWGEE | ASEAN Working Group on Environmental Economics |
AWGEIPAE | ASEAN Working Group on Environmental Information, Public Awareness and Education |
AWGEM | ASEAN Working Group on Environment Management |
AWGMEA | ASEAN Working Group on Multilateral Environment Agreement |
AWGNC | ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation |
AWGNCB | ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity |
AWGTCP | ASEAN Working Group on Technical Cooperation in Pharmaceuticals |
AWGTM | ASEAN Working Group on Tax Matters |
AWGTP | ASEAN Working Group on Transboundary Pollution |
AWP | ASEAN Women’s Programme |
AWPII | ASEAN Work Programme on HIV/AIDS II |
AYDM | ASEAN Youth Day Meeting |
BAAIC | Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation |
BCJ | Builders-Carpentry and Joineries |
BFA | Bilateral Payment Arrangement |
BBC | Brand-to-Brand Complementation |
BIMP-EAGA | Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malysia-Philippines Aast ASEAN Growth Area |
BISS | Biodiversity Information Sharing System |
BSA | Bilateral Swap Agreements |
CAAS | China Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
CAMMY | China-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth |
CARAM | Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility |
CARD | Centre for ASEAN Agriculture Research and Development Database |
CATC | Civil Aviation Training Centre |
CCCA | Coordinating Committee on the Implementation of the CEPT for AFTA |
CCEC | Coordinating Committee on Electronic Commerce |
CCFAC | Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants |
CCFICS | Codex Committee on Food Import and Export |
CCFL | Codex Committee on Food Labeling |
CCFO | Codex Committee on Fats and Oils |
CCGP | Codex Committee on General Principle |
CCI | Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
CCI | Coordinating Committee on Investment |
CCS | Coordinating Committe on Services |
CDC | Cooper Development Center |
CDM | Clean Development Mechanism |
CEDAW | Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Woman |
CEP | Closer Economic partnership |
CEPT | Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme |
CER | Closer Economic Relations |
CERTs | Computer Emergency Response Teams |
CGM | Consultative Group Meetings |
C&I | Criteria and Indicators |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CITES | Convention on International Trade Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
CLM | Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar |
CLMV | Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam |
CLP | lassification, Labeling and Packaging |
CMI | Chiang Mai Inisiative |
CNS/ATM | Communication, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management |
COCI | Committee on Culture and Information |
COE | Certificate of eligibiltiy |
COFAB | Committee on Finance and banking |
COFAF | Committee on Food, Agriculture and Forestry |
COIME | Committee on Industry, Minerals and Energy |
COP | Conference of Parties |
COSD | Committee on Social and Development |
COST | Committee on Science and Technology |
COTAC | Committee on Transportation and Communication |
COTT | Committee on Trade and Tourism |
CPMS | Cooperative Programme on Marine Science |
CRC | Convention on the Right of Children |
CRISP | Center for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing |
CRM | Customs Reforms and Modernisation |
CSU | Coordination and Support Unit |
CTI | Committe on Trade and Investment |
CZERMP | Coastal Zone Environmental and Resources Management Project |
DGICM | Directors-General of Immigration and Consular Matters |
DIPs | Detailed Implementation Plans |
DOTS | Directly-Observed Treatment, Short Course |
EAEC | East Asia Economic Caucus |
EAEF | EC-ASEAN Energy Facility |
EAERR | East Asia/ ASEAN Rice Reserve System |
EAF | East Asian Forum |
EAI | Enterprise for ASEAN Integration |
EASG | East Asia Study Group |
EATF | E-ASEAN Task Force |
EAP-AP | Environmental Assessment Programme for Asia and the Pacific |
EAVG | East Asia Vision Group |
EAWG | E-ASEAN Working Group |
EBU | Europe Broadcasting Union |
EC | European Commission |
ECAP | ASEAN-EC Patents and Trademarks System |
ECCM | Experts Committee on Custom Matters |
EC-IIP | European Community International Investment Partner |
ECIP | European Community Investment Partner Scheme |
ECO | Economic Cooperation Organization |
ECOPS | Environmental Cooperation Project Steering COmmittee |
ECU | European Currency Union |
EDP | Executive Development Programme |
EE | Environmental Education |
EE&C-SSN | Energy Efficiency and Conservation-Subsector Network |
EG | Expert Group |
EGAT | Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand |
EGIM | Experts Group Meeting on Immigration Matters |
EIB | European Investment Bank |
EIP | Environmental Improvement Project |
EIPA | European Institute of Public administration Programme |
ELTO | English Language Training for Officials |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMTC | Energy Management Training Courses |
ENRA | Environmental and Natural Resources Accounting |
EPG | Eminent Persons Group |
EPGG | Energy Policy Governing Group |
EPO | European Patent Office |
EPSAP | Energy Policy and System Analysis Project |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESC | Environmentally Sustainable Cities |
ESCAP | UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
ESSPA | Energy Supply Security Planning in the ASEAN |
EU | European Union |
EVSL | Experts Group on early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System |
FASC | Federation of ASEAN Shippers Councils |
FASA | Federation of ASEAN Shipowners’ Association |
FASID | Japan Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development |
FCG | Fisheries Consultative Group |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDRS | Fire Danger Rating System |
FDS | Feasibility Design Stage |
FGRID | Forest Genetic Resource Information Database |
FIFSTA | Federation of International Food Science and Technology Associations |
FIQC | Fish Inspection and Quality Control |
FMD | Foot and Mouth Disease |
FOCPF | Future-Orieted Cooperation Projects Fund |
FPT | Fish Product Technology |
FSDPs | Full Scale Demonstration Projects |
FSMP | Fire Supression Mobilization Plan |
GAP | Good Agricultural Practice |
GATS | General Agreement on Trade in Services |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariff and Trade |
GMOs | Genetically Modified Organism |
GMS | Greater Mekong Subregion |
GMP | Good Manufacturing Practices |
GRAs | Genetic Reource Areas |
GRSP | Global Road Safety Partnership |
GSP | General System of Preference |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points |
HAPUA | Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities / Authorities |
HLTF | High Level Task Force |
HONLEA | Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies |
HPA | Hanoi Plan of Action |
HPG | Haze Prevention Group |
HRD | Human Resource Development |
HIV/AIDS | Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
HRDM | Human Resources Development and Management |
HS | Harmonized System |
HTTF | Haze Technical Task Force |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAECC | India-ASEAN Economic Cooperation Committee |
IAI | Initiative for ASEAN Integration |
IAPs | Immediate Action Plans |
IATEP | Inter-ASEAN Technical Exchange Programme |
IBRS | International Business Reply Services |
ICAO | Internation Civil Aviation Organization |
ICGFI | International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation |
ICLARM | International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Development |
ICMSF | International Commission on Microbiological Specification for Foods |
ICP | International Comparison Programme |
ICPM | International Committee on Phytosanitary Measures |
ICTSD | Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
IDCF | IAI Development Cooperation Forum |
IDEA | Initiative for Development in East Asia |
IDPAS | Institutional Development for ASEAN Secretariat |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IFIs | International Financial Institutions |
IFF | Intergovernmental Forum on Forests |
IILP | Inter-Institutional Linkages Programme |
IIP | International Investment Position |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
ILSI | International Life Sciences Institute |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMT-GT | Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle |
INTA | International Trademark Association |
IOM | Internation Organization for Migration |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IPD | Information Preparation and Dissemination |
IPM | Integrated Pest Management |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights |
IRS | Indian Remote Sensing |
ISEAS | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies |
ISG-CBM | Intersessional Support Group on Confidence-Building Measures |
ISM-CTTC | Inter-sessional Meeting on Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organization |
ISIS | Institute of Strategic and International Studies |
ISO | Inetrnational Standard Organization |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISQAP | Industrial Standards and Quality Assurance Programme (ASEAN-EC Programme) |
ITB | Internationale Tourisme Bourse |
ITS | Intelligent Transport System |
ITTO | International Tropical Timber Organization |
ITWG | Interim Technical Working Group |
IUEP | Integrated Urban Energy Planning |
IWRM | Integrated Water Resources Management |
JACPP | Japan-ASEAN Cooperation Promotion Programme |
JAEP | Japan-ASEAN Exchange Project |
JAFTA | Japan-ASEAN Finance Technical Assistance |
JAGEF | Japan-ASEAN General Exchange Fund |
JATA | Japan Association of Travel Agents |
JBIC | Japan Bank for International Cooperation |
JCC | Joint Consultative Committee |
JCM | Joint Consultative Meeting |
JETRO | Japanese Exetrnal Trade Organisation |
JLSAP | Joint Linkages Appraisal Panel |
JMC | Joint Management Committee |
JPC | Joint Planning Committee |
JPC-SC | Joint Planning Committee to the Sub-Committee |
JPMC | Joint Planning and Monitoring Committee |
JPRC | Joint Planning and Review Committe |
JSTC | Joint Science and Technology Committee |
KAIST | Korean Advance Institute of Science and Technology |
KDI | Korean Development Institute |
KIET | Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade |
KMA | Korean Metereology Administration |
KOICA | Korea International Cooperation Agency |
KOTFA | Korean World Travel Fair |
KOTRA | Korea Trade Promotion Corporation |
KNTC | Korea National Tourism Corporation |
KRIBB | Korean Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
LBI | Legally Binding Instrument |
LCR | Living Coastal Resources |
LINKS | Legal Information Network System |
LTIIR | Land Transport Infrastructure Integration Roadmap |
M-ATM | Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Ministers |
MBDS | Mekong Basin Disease Surveilance |
MC | Management Committee |
MCM | Multinational Cultural Mission |
MEAs | Multilateral Environment Agreements |
METI | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industri |
MFRD | Marine Fisheries Research Department |
MFN | Most Favoured Nation |
MITI | Ministry of International Trade and Industry |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MRAs | Mutual Recognition Arrangements |
MRLs | Maximum Residue Limits |
MT-NIT | Multimodal Transport and New Information Technology |
MU | Ministerial Understanding |
NACA | Network of Aquaculture Centre in Asia and Pacific |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Area |
NASDA | National Space Development Agency |
NBRUs | National Biodiversity Refernce Units |
NCSW | National Council on Social Welfare |
NECTEC | National Electronics and Computer Technology Center |
NERIC | National Environment Resource Information Centers |
NFP | National Forest Programme |
NFPWG | National Focal Point Working Group |
NGOs | Non-Governmental Organizations |
NGUT | Natural Gas Utilization in Transport |
NHAPs | National Haze action Plans |
NIIs | National Information Infrastructure |
NIIT | National Institute of Information Technology |
NRSE | New and Renewable Sources of Energy |
NTBs | Non-Tariff Barriers |
NTOs | ASEAN National Tourism Organizations |
NTTCCs | National Transit Transprot Coordinating Committees |
NWS | Nuclear Weapon States |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
ODS | Ozone Depleting Substances |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation Development |
OHIM | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market |
OIE | Organisation Internationale des Epizootics |
OPCV | Overseas Project Corporation of Victoria |
OSHNET | ASEAN Occupational Safety and Health Network |
OWP | Overall Working Plan |
PAC | Project Advisory Committee |
PAC | Project Appraisal Committee |
PCA | Post Clearance Audit |
PCC | Project Coordinating Committee |
PDD | Project Design Document |
PEM | Policy Exchange Mechanism |
PIDS | Philippine Institute for Development Studies |
PITO | Private Investment Trade Opportunities |
PIWP | Policy Implementation and work Programme |
PLANTI | Plant Quarantine and Training Institute |
PLWHA | People Living with HIV/AIDS |
PMC | Post Ministerial Conferences |
POATC | Program of Action in Transportation and Communication |
POES | Polar Orbiting Environment Satellite |
PRA | Pest Risk Analysis |
PRESSEA | Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in Southeast Asia |
PROMEEC | Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation |
PROSEA | Plant Resources on Southeast Asia |
PSC | Project Steering Committee |
PTA | Preferential Trading Arrangement |
QASAF | Quality Assurance Systems for ASEAN Fruits |
QRs | Quantitative Restrictions |
RBAAIJV | Revised Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial joint Ventures |
RCCRF | Regionalization of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries |
RCICM | Regional Training Course on Integrated COastal Management |
RCP | Research Priorities Committee |
R & D | Research and Development |
RETA | Regional Technical Assistance |
RETA PMU | RETA’s Project Management Unit |
RHAP | Regional haze Action Plan |
ROD | Regional Ocean Dynamics |
ROK | Republic of Korea |
ROO | Rules of Origin |
RPS | Regional Partnership Scheme |
RTB | Radio Television Brunei |
RTD | Research and Technological Development |
RTP | Regional Training Programme |
SAEI | Southeast Asian Environment Initiative |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SAREX | Search and Rescue Exercise |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiration Syndrome |
SAARC | South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation |
SCB | Sub-Committee on Biotechnology |
SCF | Special Cooperation Fund |
SCFST | Sub-Committee on Food Science and Technology |
SCIRD | Sub-Committee on Science and Technology Infrastructure and Resources Development |
SCMG | Sub-Committee on Meteorology and geophysics |
SCMIT | Sub-Committee on Microelectronics and Information Technology |
SCMS | Sub-Committee on Marine Science |
SCMST | Sub-Committee on Materials Science and Technology |
SCNCER | Sub-Committee on Non-Conventional Energy Research |
SCSTA | Sub-Committee on Space Technology Application |
SCOT | Sub-Committee on Tourism |
SDI | Selective Dissemination of Information |
SoE | State of the Environment |
SEAFDEC | South East Asia Fisheries Development Centre |
SEA HDR | Southeast Asian Human Development Report |
SEAMEO | Southeast Asian Ministers on education Organization |
SEANWFZ | Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone |
SEOM | Senior Economic Officials Meeting |
SMES | Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises |
SoER | State of the Environment Report |
SFM | Sustainable Forest Management |
SHS | Sender-Keeper Management |
SKRL | Singapore-Kunming Rail Link |
SL | Sensitive List |
SLOA | Suplementary Letters of Agreement |
SLOM | Senior Labour Officials Meeting |
SMCE | Small and Medium-size Cultural Enterprise and Industry |
SMEs | Small and Medium enterprises |
SMEWG | SMEs Agencies Working Group |
SOM | Senior Officials Meeting |
SOM-I | Senior Officials Meeting on Investment |
SOME | Senior Officials Meeting on Energy |
SOMEC | Senior Officials Meeting on Energy Cooperation |
SOME-METI | Senior Officials Meeting on Energy – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry |
SOMHD | Senior Officials Meeting on Health Development |
SOMRDPE | Senior Officials Meeting on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication |
SOMSWD | Senior Officials Meeting Social Welfare and Development |
SOMTC | Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime |
SOMTI | Senior Officials Meeting on Trade and Investment |
SOMY | Senior Officials Meeting on Youth |
SPAE | Strategic Plan of Action and the Environment |
SPC | South Pacific Commission |
SPF | South Pacific Forum |
SPS | Sanitary and Phytosanitary |
SRCR | Sub-Regional Climate Review |
SRFA | Sub-Regional Firefighting Arrangement |
SSN | Social Safety Nets |
S&T | Science and Technology |
STOM | Senior Transport Officials Meeting |
TAC | Treaty of Amity and Cooperation |
TAGP | Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Project |
TCDC | Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries |
TEDI | Trade Electronic Data Interchange |
TEL | Temporary Exclusion List |
TELSOM | Telecommunication Senior Officials Meeting |
TELMIN | Telecommunication Ministers Meeting |
TEMIC | Telecommunications Executive Management Institute |
TFGR | Transport Facilitation of Goods Roadmap |
TIFA | Trade and Investment Framework Agreement |
TIPP | Trade and Investment Promotion Programme |
TISI | Thai Industrial Standard Institute |
TNC | Trade Negotiating Committee |
TNG | Trade Negotiating Group |
TOR | Terms of Reference |
TPAS | Technology Promotion and Assistance Services |
TQMC | Total Quality Management Control |
TREATI | Trans-Regional EU-ASEAN Trade Initiative |
TRIPs | Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights |
TROPMED | Tropical Medicine and Public Health |
TTCB | Transit Transport Coordinating Board |
TWG1 | Technical Working Group on Standards and Conformance |
TWG2 | Technical Working Group on Conformity Assessment |
TWG3 | Technical Working Group on Testing, Calibration and Laboratory Accreditation |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
UAP | Unprocessed Agricultural Products |
UNCSD | United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UNDCP | United Nations International Drug Control Programme |
UNDESA | United Nations Departments for Economic and Social Affairs |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNEP | United Nations Environmental Programme |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children Education Fund |
UN-ODC | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
UNTAET | United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor |
UNSD | United Nations Statistics Division |
US-AEP | United States Asian Environmental Partnership |
US-EIP | United States Environmental Improvement Programme |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USTR | United States Trade Representative |
VAC | Visit ASEAN Campaign |
VALENTE | ASEAN Energy Database, Valorization of Energy Technology |
VAP | Vientiane Action Programme |
VAY | Visit ASEAN Millenium Year |
WCAIA | Working Committee on ASEAN Investment Area |
WCT | WIPO Copyright Treaties |
WEC | West-East Corridor |
WGABI | Working Group on Agribusiness |
WGASME | Working Group on ASEAN Seas and Marine Environment |
WGEE | Working Group on Environmental Economics |
WGEIPAE | Working Group on Environmental Information, Public Awareness and Education |
WGEM | Working Group on Environmental Management |
WGFDIS | Working Group on Foreign Direct Investment Statistics |
WGIC | Working Group on Industrial Cooperation |
WGIPC | Working Group on Intelectual Property Cooperation |
WGL | Working Group on Livestock |
WGNC | Working Group on Nature Conservation |
WGTEC | Working Group on Trade and Economic |
WGTP | Working Group on Transboundary Pollution |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization |
WPPT | WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty |
WSSD | World Summit on Sustainable Development |
WTM | World Travel Mart |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
WWTTT-CPD | Waste Water Treatment Technology Transfer and Cleaner Production Demonstration |
ZOPFAN | Zone of Peace Freedom and Neutrality |
Saturday, 10 November 2012
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SCIENTIFIC NAMES (वैज्ञानिक नाम)
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